"Human Nature" Is A False Idol
Red pill doctrine, hypergamy, human nature, game, sexual market value, and the false idols of the right.
The Current State of Things
Lately there’s been a huge divide online between right wing content creators. It’s becoming an all out war. One side is composed by those men that follow the red-pill doctrine of dating and relationships, and the other side is composed by Christian men who claim the Red-Pill is nothing but male feminism.
Hostility between sides is at an all-time high, with guys going hard at each other on social media, and factions starting to build. It’s ironic and even a little bit funny how both sides have so much in common ideologically, but then separate completely in one specific topic: relationships.
Before I give you my take on all this, I think full disclosure is in order. I’m not an expert at relationships. I’m not married, nor do I have a girlfriend at this moment. There are some reasons for my being single right now, which I’ll go into in part two of the “My Story” series of articles I’m writing.
So I wont’ approach this pretending to be an authority on the matter. I humbly recognize there are men with a lot more experience than me, so what I’ll do is simply provide my take on the whole debate, without calling names or trying to pose as some expert.
My Issue With The Red-Pill
I’ll make a confession: I used to follow red pill doctrine when I was younger like it was a religion. I was completely hooked by “game”, I constantly read books about pick up and human nature, and I had made it one of my main priorities in life to “crack the code of girls” and learn exactly how to get any girl I wanted. This was of course before I rediscovered my faith.
But the point is I went deep into this ideology. I followed all the pick-up influencers, I read all the most popular books, and let what I now see as an incredibly toxic view of human relationships take over my mind.
But Christ has given me a new heart now, and I’m able, through His grace, to see the flaws in this doctrine.
The main issue with it is that it makes a false idol out of human nature and the concepts that accompany it. Is it not true that red-pill ideology is based on evolutionary “truths” that, supposedly, describe every single human interaction? Red-pill doctrine makes human nature their god, even above God with a capital G.
For them, it does not matter that God made one man for one woman. It does not matter that we are clearly called to practice sexual restraint. Even some supposed “christians” that defend this ideology fall prey to this, and justify their sexual immorality and promiscuity using human nature as their shield. But human nature is one thing, and The Law as set by The Lord is another.
This is the main problem of Red-Pill doctrine. It replaces God with a false idea that humans are just advanced animals. Unable to practice self-restraint. Under this new god, they feel justified to give in to their temptations and they justify it by saying “it’s just how men naturally are.”
The Damage Red-Pill Does
This is not incredibly harmful for society as a whole, but for the individual too. When you believe the law that rules all life is human nature and hypergamy, you are forced to disregard morality to be consistent with it. There cannot be two different rules at thepinnacle of the moral pyramid. You can either have morality as defined by God, or you can have human nature. Not both.
What happens to redpillers on a long enough timeline is that they see every single interaction through the lense of sex, and they become deeply insecure. When hypergamy and human nature are your gods, then you will never believe in the faithfulness of your partner. You will believe she’ll cheat on you as soon as she finds a “better” man. I have even heard from some friends how they think their own mothers would cheat if they had the opportunity to do so with Brad Pitt.
How can you follow an ideology that leads to such beliefs?
Matthew 7:16-20
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
It takes one deep look into the mind of a man consumed by this ideology to realize how toxic and dangerous it is. Or, in my case, a few years of watching yourself become envious, resentful, insecure, and doubtful, for you to realize this is not the way. If you let this ideology take a hold of your mind, you’ll become deeply insecure. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder, waiting for the inevitable moment when your partner finds a “higher-quality” man and leaves you for him. You will see everything through the lense of sex, and you’ll allow your brain to rot. God forbid you actually start liking a woman, and not be able to trust her because of how deeply this ideology has poisoned you.
Do you really want to follow an ideology that convinces you that regardless of the vows you and your partner make, regardless of your values and commitment to one another, you are both in a relationship only until you find something better?
When all there is is human nature, of course you won’t ever feel secure in a relationship. You’ll always be fearing her to find someone richer, more attractive, and more successful than you. And guess what? There’ll always be someone better by those standards. But let me flip the question.
Are you, as a man, incapable of controlling your natural instincts? Or are you able to be faithful and loyal to one woman, even when you’re tempted by lust?
If you are capable of rejecting your base animal desires in favor of moral standards like loyalty, what makes you think your woman is not capable too?
The question is not whether or not we’ll be tempted, but whether or not there is something stronger than your animal brain guiding your decisions. Because if there’s not, you’re no different than a dog.
And the truth of the matter is that there can be something higher than human nature. But you have to give it its rightful place in your hierarchy of values for it to be able to trump even those animal desires that can get so strong at times.
There is only one true God, and it is not human nature. Human nature is real, and it plays an important role in our lives. But it is not the ultimate Law. The Word is. Remember that.
I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on this one, so I’ve allowed comments for all subs on this post. Drop your take in the comments!
"No better than a dog".
Why would someone give into their primordial desires when we have the God-given ability to be conscientious about our actions, and as a result, the consequences they pose on not only ourselves but others as well?
What truly separates a human from any other animal?
We have the ability to instill ourselves with a moral landscape that allows us to pick "right" and "wrong".
We are no better than an animal if we act only on instinct and waste our conscious ability.
Late to this, but it is a profound article. In Biblical terms, the hypergamy/red pill doctrine is part of the flesh or the world.
Does it have some explanatory power? Sure - but it’s not the rule of life for Christians. Aaron Renn has done well on this topic.
In a well-ordered world, even a “low-status” man can be the “alpha” in his own house, and meaningfully contribute as a leader.